15+ Postdoc Vacancy at CNRS France
Postdoc Vacancy at CNRS France
Below are some of the latest Funded/Fully Funded positions for Postdoc Vacancy at CNRS France
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Date of
publication |
Title / Unit
13/08/2019 | Postdoctoral researcher position in catalysis. “Valorisation of biomass for the production of biofuels”. H / F (M / F) LYON CATALYSIS AND ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH INSTITUTE – UMR5256 – IRCELYON |
VILLEURBANNE | Rhone-Auvergne | FTC Researcher |
09/08/2019 | Postdoctoral Researcher (M / F) in experimental condensed matter physics: low-dimensional electronic systems. (M / F) NATIONAL INTENSE MAGNETIC FIELD LABORATORY – UPR3228 – LNCMI |
GRENOBLE | Alps | FTC Researcher |
08/08/2019 | Postdoc in atmospheric inversion of urban CO2 emissions (H / F) (M / F) Laboratory of Climate and Environment Sciences – UMR8212 – LSCE |
GIF ON YVETTE | Ile-de-France | FTC Researcher |
07/08/2019 | Postdoc H / F in photonics (M / F) Laboratory of Analysis and Architecture of CNRS Systems – UPR8001 – LAAS-CNRS |
TOULOUSE | West Occitanie | FTC Researcher |
01/08/2019 | Postdoctorate (H / F): Analysis of complex biological mixtures by mass spectrometry, ion mobility and infrared (M / F) Laboratory of Physical Chemistry – UMR8000 – LCP |
ORSAY | Ile-de-France | FTC Researcher |
30/07/2019 | Postdoctoral Researcher in Laser-Materials Interaction (M / F) ( Laser / Laser ) Laboratory of Lasers, Plasmas and Photonic Processes – UMR7341 – LP3 |
MARSEILLE 09 | Provence and Corsica | FTC Researcher |
29/07/2019 | Postdoctoral H / F in Genome Structure Characterization of Mimiviridae (M / F) Genomic and Structural Information – UMR7256 – IGS |
MARSEILLE 09 | Provence and Corsica | FTC Researcher |
29/07/2019 | Postdoctoral H / F in characterization Structural and functional characterization of the genome assembly machinery of Mimiviridae (M / F) Genomic and structural information – UMR7256 – IGS |
MARSEILLE 09 | Provence and Corsica | FTC Researcher |
29/07/2019 | Postdoctoral contract H / F 6 months in primordial cosmology (M / F) Institute of Astrophysics of Paris – UMR7095 – IPA |
PARIS 14 | Ile-de-France | FTC Researcher |
22/07/2019 | Postdoctoral Research Position (M / F) Institute of Nuclear Physics at Orsay – UMR8608 – IPNO |
ORSAY | Ile-de-France | FTC Researcher |
15/07/2019 | Postdoc in physico-chemistry H / F (M / F) SUBATOMIC PHYSICS LABORATORY AND ASSOCIATED TECHNOLOGIES – UMR6457 – SUBATECH |
NANTES | Brittany and Pays de Loire | FTC Researcher |
12/07/2019 | Postdoctorate (M / F) on photocatalysis in polarized nanostructures (M / F) Solid State Physics Laboratory – UMR8502 – LPS |
ORSAY | Ile-de-France | FTC Researcher |
10/07/2019 | Postdoctorate in organic chemistry / 3D design and printing H / F (M / F) ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, BIOORGANIC: REACTIVITY AND ANALYSIS – UMR6014 – COBRA |
MONT ST AIGNAN | Normandy | FTC Researcher |
04/07/2019 | Postdoctoral Researcher in Solid State Experimental Physics (M / F) (M / F) NATIONAL INTENSE MAGNETIC FIELD LABORATORY – UPR3228 – LNCMI |
GRENOBLE | Alps | FTC Researcher |
01/07/2019 | ERC (H / F) postdoctoral position in the DAMIC-M experiment at LPNHE Paris (M / F) Nuclear and High Energy Physics Laboratory – UMR7585 – LPNHE |
PARIS 05 | Ile-de-France | FTC Researcher |
24/06/2019 | H / F Hybrid III-V Nanophotonic Postdoc on Silicon (M / F) Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology – UMR9001 – C2N |
PALAISEAU | Ile-de-France | FTC Researcher |
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