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ARO Postdoctoral Fellowship

ARO Postdoctoral Fellowships 2019 for Indian and Chinese PhD Student

About the Fellowship

The Agriculture Research Organization invites applications for Postdoctoral Fellowships. The Fellowships are intended for Indian or Chinese citizens that have completed a Ph.D. program, in the past 5 years, Applications of candidates who received their Ph.D. certificate prior to 1.1.2014 will not be considered.

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The fellowship program is designed to identify and support young scientists aspiring to become future leaders in the field of Agricultural Sciences in Universities of their home country.

The main objectives of thefellowships is to avail excellent and promising scientists with the opportunity to become proficient in advanced technologies present in the Agriculture Research Organization and to establish future collaborations with Israeli scientists.

Fellowship Amount

The fellowships will be awarded for one year with the possibility to extend it to a second
year. Fellows may initiate their post-doctoral training as of the beginning of 2020. The
total award is 100,000 Israeli Shekels (equivalent to app. $27,000 depending on the
exchange rate) per year.

How to Apply

Applicants will have to select a mentor and contact him personally to discuss the possibility to join his research group on a specific project. If the outcome is positive, the applicant should ask the mentor to provide him with a letter of agreement regarding his willingness to host him in his lab and to contribute to the fellowship.

The mentor’s letter of agreement should be attached to the submission (PDF file). Applicants should also describe succinctly their specific contribution to the project they are joining during the stay in the mentor’s lab.

Dead line for submission:

October 30, 2019

Important Things to Note

  • You can apply only once and only with one mentor.
  • Mentors can support only one application and can deliver only one letter of agreement.
  • Multiple applications will not be considered.
  • Applications without the mentor agreement letter will not be accepted .
  • The mentor’s agreement to host the applicant does not mean that the applicant have been accepted to the program.
  • All the valid submissions will be evaluated by a committee that will consider the scientific merit of each submission file.
  • Final decisions will be issued to the best candidates depending on the number of available fellowships every year.

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List of Mentors

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