National Institute of Immunology: Scientist Position
Career Opportunities for Scientists -The National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi
The National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, is a leading research Institute in India with a long-standing reputation for scientific excellence. The institute is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure for pursuing research in immunology and allied sciences. The Institute also imparts vigorous long-term research training leading to a Ph.D degree.
The Institute invites applications from early as well as mid-career scientists, with potential for intellectual leadership and passion for innovative research to set up independent multidisciplinary research programmes relating to the areas of (but not restricted to) immunology, virology, microbiology, structural, chemical and molecular biology to address immunological problems at the expanding interface of modern biology for filling 2 positions of Staff Scientist-III and 5 positions of Staff Scientist-IV as per details given below:
Name of the post | Pay level
(7th CPC) |
Qualifications and experience | Upper Age Limit | Remarks |
Staff Scientist-III | 11 | Ph.D degree in suitable science disciplines with 2 years of postdoctoral experience in the relevant field. | 40 years | 1 vacancy is earmarked for Person with benchmark disability (deaf and hard of hearing) |
Staff Scientist-IV | 12 | Ph.D degree in suitable science disciplines with original work as evidenced by patents or publications. Evidence of leadership with 4 years of relevant post-doctoral experience in the relevant field. | 50 years | 1 vacancy is earmarked for OBC |
Demonstrated record of scientific productivity in the form of outstanding publications in scientific journals of repute and/or internationally valid and productive patents is essential. Applicants should have a commitment to excellence and willingness to collaborate in inter-disciplinary projects. Quality of the scientific productivity and capability of independent thinking will be major factors in deciding the selection.
Investigators will be provided shared laboratory space and adequate start-up resources. They are expected to generate extramural project based funding.
Accommodation of the type available in the Institute campus would also be provided. Other benefits as per Govt. of India / Institute Rules include- Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance (in case official accommodation is not provided), Transport Allowance, Leave Travel Concession and National Pension Scheme (defined-contribution based pension scheme of Govt. of India). Besides this, reimbursement of Children Education Allowance, medical expenses and telephone facility as per rules of the Institute is also admissible. The candidate who is stationed abroad at the time of selection would further be allowed reimbursement of single economy class air fare by shortest route for self only from the place of residence abroad to New Delhi for joining the Institute subject to travel by Air-India and execution of a bond for serving the Institute for a minimum period of three years as per rules.
Terms and conditions not specified herein shall be as per relevant Institute/GoI rules.
Eligible & interested scientists are requested submit their applications, in the prescribed format available on NII website alongwith proposed research plan (2 pages) to the Director, National Institute of Immunology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi -110067, or e-mail it to ID facultyrecruitment@nii.ac.in. Applicants working in any Government (Central/State), PSU, autonomous, public sector Institutions within India are requested to have their applications forwarded through proper channels.
The Institute reserves the right to withdraw any/all the advertised post/s at any time without assigning any reason.
NOTE: Call for applications will remain open till the vacancies are filled. The applications will be accepted throughout the year and will be scrutinized / shortlisted on quarterly basis. The last date for receipt of applications for each quarter is March 31st, June 30th, Sept 30th, and Dec 31st.