RUSA Post Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) – Salary 75k-100k
RUSA Postdoctoral Fellowship
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“Andhra University-RUSA Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Scheme” is being initiated to identify talented young researchers with innovative ideas in the field of Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Bio-Technology, Statistics, Meteorology and Oceanography, Biochemistry, Physics, Engineering (CSE, ECE & Instrument Tech.), Management and Pharmaceutical Sciences. University will provide them with training and research opportunities. This scheme stands as a platform for budding scientists towards an independent research career.
- PhD degree holders of not more than ten years of award of PhD degree (Provisional degree certificate may be accepted),
- Upper age limit is 38 years at the time of submission of application, relaxable up to 2 years in case of SC/ST/Physically handicapped, women candidates and OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates.
- Applicants should have two research publications in high impact factor SCI journals or a patent from their doctoral work.
- The candidates should submit the plagiarism certificate using Turnitin software or the soft copy of the thesis of the candidate will be subjected for plagiarism check and will be considered only when it is below 20%.
- RUSA PDF can be availed by a candidate only once in their career.
- Employed candidates must duly submit ‘no objection certificate’ from the present employer at the time of attending the interview before the selection committee.
Reservation to the fellowship shall be as per Central Government reservation policy on all India basis i.e. 15% SC, 7.5% ST, 27% to OBC candidates (NCL only) and 4% for persons with disability. In addition EWS not covered under any, shall get 10% reservation (To be confirmed as per norms).
Eligible candidates can apply in the prescribed format, available on the website: www.andhrauniversity.edu.in, any time of the year. However, the selections will be made twice a year, in the months of December and June.
However, this being first advertisement the applications received on or before 31.1.2020 will be considered for first phase.
Applications received one month before the scheduled interview date will be considered for short listing and calling for interview for that phase.
Selections to the “Postdoctoral Research Fellowships” will be made based on the presentation of the proposed research project followed by interview of short listed candidates by RUSA PAB.
The project proposal submitted by the candidate must be different from that of his/her Ph.D. topic.
The candidates called for PDF interview will have to attend at their own expenses. The University will not pay TA, DA and any other expenses.
- PDF awarded to a researcher will be for two years and is renewable on yearly basis.
- Selected PDF should submit an affidavit to work in the University for a minimum period of 2 years.
- In case if any candidate wants to leave the fellowship for any reason, before two years period, he/she has to give 3 months prior notice to the concerned head of the department or must return 3 months fellowship amount to the University before being relieved.
- Renewal of the fellowship is strictly based on the research performance of the candidate and approved by RUSA PAB.
- Postdoctoral Fellows will be paid a consolidated fellowship of Indian Rs. 75,000/- per month plus House Rent Allowance (HRA) as admissible.
- Lapsable contingency grant of Rs. 1.0 lakh per annum will be reimbursed on production of valid bills.
- 25% of the contingency grant can be used for domestic and international travel including per diem expenses.
- Amount is taxable according to the norms of Income Tax Department, Government of India.
- Assignment and Review
- Candidate selected under RUSA PDF should devote to full time research and training in area approved by the respective Department/College.
- Candidate is encouraged to write and apply for research projects for the Department/College and also engage in academic work of the department.
- Candidate should submit comprehensive progress report duly approved by the mentor to RUSA PAB.
- Head of the department shall assign the fellow academic responsibility not exceeding 8 hours per week.
- Andhra University leave policy for teaching staff shall be applicable for the PDF fellow. However, continuous leave for more than 15 days should be approved by the RUSA PAB.
- Termination
University may terminate the fellowship of a person at any time based on report from Head of the Department/ Principal and recommendation of the RUSA PAB in case of:
- Misconduct on campus
- Unsatisfactory research progress
- Candidate is availing scholarship/ Salary/ Fellowship/Remuneration/Pay, from any other source
- Candidate is later found ineligible
- Any false information by the applicant or any fraudulent activity by the candidate
- Application fee:
The candidate should pay Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- in respect of SC/ST candidates) as application fee (non- refundable) in the form of Demand Draft in favour of “The Registrar, Andhra University” payable at Visakhapatnam must be enclosed along with the application.
- Submission of application:
The filled in application in the prescribed format with relevant enclosures along with prescribed application fee in the form of Demand Draft must be sent by Speed Post super scribing envelope “Application for PDF under RUSA Phase 2.0” to the following address:
The Dean (Research & Development)
Andhra University
Visakhapatnam – 530 003
Andhra Pradesh
Download Application Form Here
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