32+ Postdoc Vacancy at University of Copenhagen
Postdoc Vacancy at University of Copenhagen
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Postdoc position (15%) in Disease Systems Biology at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research | 06-08-2019 |
(211-0078/19-2K) Professor of Large-Scale Data Management Systems | Faculty of Science | Department of Computer Science | 11-08-2019 |
Postdoc in Bioinformatics | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research | 11-08-2019 |
Computational Postdoc to the Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre | 11-08-2019 |
149866 Associate Professor of Clinical Proteomics (fixed-term 4 years) | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | NNF Center for Protein Research | 12-08-2019 |
149995 Associate Professor of Metabarcoding Community Studies and Mycological Taxonomy | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Globe Institute | 14-08-2019 |
Three Postdoc positions in mass spectrometry-based proteomics and cell signalling | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research | 15-08-2019 |
Postdoc in Biostructure and Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology | 15-08-2019 |
Postdoc position in Integrative Physiology and Proteomics | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research | 15-08-2019 |
One postdoctoral fellow position is available in the Structural Molecular Biology group at The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research (CPR) | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | CPR | 18-08-2019 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Out-of-School Science Education | Faculty of Science | Department of Science Education | 18-08-2019 |
Bioinformatics postdoc positions at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research | 18-08-2019 |
Academic Technician/Lab Manager in the Section for Biomolecular Sciences | Faculty of Science | Department of Biology | 19-08-2019 |
Postdoc position in systems biology of brown fat crosstalk | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | NNF Center for Basic Metabolic Research | 20-08-2019 |
211-0118/19-2E Associate Professor in Environmental Chemometrics and Chromatographic Signal Processing | Faculty of Science | Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences | 25-08-2019 |
211-0119/19-2E Associate Professor in Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry | Faculty of Science | Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences | 25-08-2019 |
Scientific Executive Assistant | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research | 25-08-2019 |
Postdoc/Assistant Professor in scientific database programming | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology | 30-08-2019 |
Postdoc in Stem Cell Biology | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research | 31-08-2019 |
PhD fellowship in Ribosome biology in Cancer at The Biotech Research and Innovation Centre | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | The Biotech Research and Innovation Centre | 01-09-2019 |
Postdoc of Deep Learning for Large-Scale GeoScience and sustainability Applications | Faculty of Science | Department of Computer Science | 01-09-2019 |
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Hybrid Superconducting Qubit Circuitsat the Center for Quantum Devices | Faculty of Science | Niels Bohr Institute | 01-09-2019 |
Postdoc in Science Education | Faculty of Science | Department of Science Education | 01-09-2019 |
Two postdocs in normal and malignant hematopoietic stem cell biology | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | BRIC | 01-09-2019 |
ERC-funded postdoctoral position at the DNRF Excellence Center for Chromosome Stability, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine | 01-09-2019 |
Postdoc Position in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics | Faculty of Science | Niels Bohr Institute | 14-09-2019 |
Postdoctoral position in field-based research and modelling of permafrost-affected ecosystems in Greenland at Center for Permafrost | Faculty of Science | Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management | 15-09-2019 |
PostDoc Position in Behavioural Science | Faculty of Social Sciences | Institut for Psykologi | 15-09-2019 |
149994 Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | Institut for Veterinær- og Husdyrvidenskab | 30-09-2019 |
Postdoc in Terrestrial Ecology, Department of Biology | Faculty of Science | Department of Biology | 15-10-2019 |
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