How To Find A Supervisor On Research Interest Areas
How To Find A Supervisor On Research Interest Areas
Whenever you want to apply for a Scholarship, you need an acceptance letter or offer letter from a supervisor. Choosing the right supervisor is very important because, for the next few years, your supervisor will be your mentor, friend, confidante, adviser, and also a voice of reason. How To Find A Supervisor
Hence a suggestion from your previous mentor, your friends is usually a preferred choice in selecting your supervisor. As many scholarships are country-based, it is not necessary that your previous mentor or your friends will know a research supervisor of that country.
Sometimes it does happen that your previous mentor is too occupied to invest time in finding a research supervisor for you, or not on good terms with you to help you in this matter. Another problem arises when you write to someone saying you want to apply for a Ph.D. scholarship and need an acceptance letter, but he/she does not respond to your email. There can be many such reasons.
Here, I will show you ways to find a research supervisor in your area of research.
Step #1 – Open Pubmed Advance Search
Step #2 – In the left tab, select “affiliation“, and on the right type the “country name” (if you are looking researcher for any specific country). Here you can also write the University or Institute name if you are looking for a researcher from a particular institution.
Step #3 – Add another query, “Title and Abstract” and type your research interest. You can use “AND”/”OR” to add multiple keywords.
Step #4 – Once you click the search option, you will see a number of articles. Just go through the titles and copy the ones you find interesting and paste these title on Researchgate.
Step #5 – Once you paste this on researchgate, you will be able to see the researcher’s profile, their publications lists, their affiliations, and current positions. You can go through their profile and if their publications and current research area interests you then you can write to them
Step #6 – You can use the inverted comma tips on google to find their email address – “João P. da Costa””e-mail””@”. See here more google search tips that can help you find quick and save time.