Hans Böckler Foundation: PhD scholarship
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Hans Böckler Foundation: PhD scholarship
The Hans Böckler Foundation is the institute of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB) to promote research and studies. The Hans Foundation Scholarship are awareded to doctoral students with outstanding academic gifts who show commitment to labour unions or socio-political issues. Doctoral candidates in any discipline who are enrolled at German institutions of higher education, also in programmes such as graduate schools or junior researcher groups, are encouraged to apply.
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Every year the HSB assigns about 120 grants. The scholars are paid EUR 1,350 per month plus a research cost allowance as well as family- and child allowances, if necessary. Comprehensive non-material support is also part of the scholarship.
Target Group
particularly gifted doctoral candidates in any discipline who propose a promising doctoral project and show commitment to labour unions or socio-political issues
Academic Requirements
admission to post-graduate studies at a state or state-recognized institution of higher education in Germany
Number of Scholarships
about 120 scholarships per year
two years with an option to extend the funding period twice for six months for technical reasons and up to another year for parental leave or if the candidate is disabled. The maximum grant duration is of four years.
Scholarship Value
- Doctoral students currently receive a grant of EUR 1,350 per month, plus a research cost allowance of EUR 100
- Stays abroad may be financed by means of a foreign residence allowance and contributions to travel costs and tuition fees.
- non-material support in the form of seminars, events, networking meetings etc.
Application Papers
Please find all application forms and further information on the application procedure here
15 October 2019/15 April 2020
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Bikash Chandra Taly
Keen for PhD in Applied linguistics
I usually post PhD here. http://www.saveandtravel.in/phd You can search here for the scholarship which is open to all research field and apply. You can also use searchbar in this site to look for your interested PhD Position. Good luck