What Is Earth 2, and Can It Become the Next Bitcoin?
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What Is Earth 2, and Can It Become the Next Bitcoin?
Earth 2 is the beginning of our world’s future virtual existence and today you have a chance to own part of this incredible future
Earth 2 is a conceptual trading platform that allows people to search, claim, purchase, or bid on any piece of Virtual Land around the world!
Virtual Land on Earth 2 is one of the most exciting digital commodities in the world today and the earlier you buy the greater chance you have of making larger profits and returns on property in the short and long term.
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Who Created Earth 2 and Why?
Shane Isaac is the founder of Earth 2. The VR pioneer, Dillon Seo, who was the co-founder of Oculus, a subsidiary of Facebook Inc, is the business advisor for Earth 2.
Earth 2 was created because there needs to be a central platform that, over time, brings together all key VR, haptic and similar, relevant emerging technologies for use and enjoyment by people within an open world that is massive, magical, and familiar.
Is Earth 2, A Scam?
I do not think, it is a scam. If you know about Virtual Reality, then you may be familiar with Dillon Seo. He has mentioned in his LinkedIn profile that he is the Business Advisor for Earth 2. So there are big names involved in this and there are fewer chances of it being a scam.
Well, to be very safe, I would recommend, invest only that money, which you won’t mind it losing. Invest and Forget. If it clicks, you can be 100 times richer.
10 years ago, when Bitcoin started, it was priced at $0.08, everyone was telling it is a scam, and it is around $30,000. Can you imagine what would your $10 investment at that time would look like, $3,750,000
23 years ago, Amazon.com Inc launched its IPO at a price of $18 per share. $10,00 invested on that day and price would be worth more than $1.8 million as of January 2021
What Happens in Earth 2?
Earth 2 has launched Phase 1 in December 2020. The following phases would be launched soon.
What is Phase 1?
The first step in Earth 2 is purchasing land and with prices starting at $0.10 per block be quick to claim. The land prices increase as more people buy land in that country. So when it was launched a few weeks ago, the prices for a block in the USA was $0.10, and now it is trading at $21.64, which means if you had bought 100 blocks by investing $10, then it would be worth $2164 (as of 1st January 2020). With this pace, I am expecting that by January end, the prices would be anywhere near $50 per block.
As more and more people have started investing, the prices of blocks for each country are increasing. A few days ago, the price of one block in India was $0.20, and now I see it is around $1.06 per block, a 5 times return in just a few days.
What Will Be In Phase 2 and 3?
Resources will be released in the first half of 2021 at the earliest possible point. It will involve the ability for Virtual Land to begin generating different types of resources that will be vital for building and economic purposes in Earth 2. These resources will be tradable between users for other resources or credits. In the future users requiring resources to build or for other purposes will need to generate or gather resources or buy them with credits from users who have stock.
In Phase 3, users will be given first access to the Earth 2 terrain system.
How to Buy Land In Earth 2?
Step 1 – Go to the app Home page https://app.earth2.io/
Step 2 – Click on the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner and complete the process
Step 3 – Click on the “Search” input field and enter the land name in the “Search” field
Step 4 – Select your desire location from drop down menu and then click on the icon between “+” and “-“.
Step 5 – You will see the blocks. Select the empty blocks you want to buy and then click the “Buy now” button.
Step 6 – Use the referral code “9OEJQWTI3N” to get a 5% discount. Click on the “Pay with PayPal” or “Pay with card” button to make the payment.
Which Land Shall I Buy In Earth 2?
It is a very new concept, so it’s hard to tell now, which land would be good for investment. But I have noticed that all major properties in USA are sold out. Another popular monument around the world is attracting new investments. So these prices are also increasing day by day.
You can choose the landmarks from this list that are not yet bought. Top 500 Landmarks Around The World
There are different classes of land (Class 1, 2, 3). The first 1,00,000 blocks are of class 1 category. Land tiles with Class 1 are most valuable because they generate biggest Income tax and might be also more important and valued in the next Phases.
So I would suggest look for countries which are priced lower and has less than 1,00,000 tiles bought and buy them. Also look for popular spots, as in the next phases, you can earn advertising revenue from your land.
How Can You Earn Money With Earth 2?
As of phase 1, there are 3 ways to earn money.
1 – Buy Cheap And Sell High
You can buy land at low prices and then sell at a higher price. If you are lucky to get important spots at cheap prices then you have a good chance to sell them at 10-20-30 times higher
2 – Revenue You Earn From Land Tax
If you happen to buy a class 1 properties then you will earn Land tax everyday, depending on the actual price of the land.
3 – Earn When You Refer
There is a referral opportunity available for a short period of time. During this period, if you refer anyone, then both of you can make 5% of the value.