Fully Funded Romanian Government Scholarship 2020-2021
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Romanian Government Scholarship 2020-2021
Application for Romanian Government Scholarship 2020 for international students are open for session 2020-2021.
1. General conditions for awarding scholarships
Number of scholarships: 85 scholarships for under- and post-graduate studies in Romania, by means of selection of application files, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Ministry of Education and Research (hereafter, MER), in keeping with Romanian current legislation.
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Qualification criteria:
1) Foreign citizens coming from all the states of the world, except for EU member states. Foreign citizens of Romanian origin and those belonging to the neighbouring historic Romanian communities benefit from other scholarship programs.
2) The applicant for the scholarship must not hold Romanian citizenship, did not request or did not obtain a form of protection in Romania, is not a stateless person whose residence on Romanian territory is officially recognized according to the law, is not a member of the diplomatic corps accredited to Bucharest or member of family of the diplomatic corps accredited in Romania, has not benefited from a scholarship from the Romanian state on the same course of study.
3) The applicant for the scholarship must present study papers issued by accredited / recognized educational institutions, have good results in education, respectively an average of the study years of at least 7 (seven) corresponding to the scoring system in Romania or the “Good” score, as the case.
4) The applicant for the scholarship is not, until 31 December of the year in which he / she was nominated, more than 35 years of age – for bachelor and master studies and 45 years respectively – for doctoral studies or for postgraduate studies.
The scholarships are awarded for 3 study cycles:
a) for the first cycle (undergraduate): This scheme is dedicated to graduates of high schools or of equivalent pre-university studies, as well as to candidates who require the continuation of their studies in Romania. The complete cycle of university studies lasts for 3 to 6 years, according to the specific requirements of the chosen faculty, and ends with a final examination (licență).
b) for the 2nd cycle (master): This scheme is dedicated to graduates of university/post-graduate studies; it lasts for 1,5 to 2 years and ends with the defence of a dissertation.
c) for the 3rd cycle (doctorate) this scheme is dedicated to the graduates of university/postgraduate studies (i.e. master); it lasts for 3-4 years, in keeping with the specific requirements of the chosen faculty, and ends with a doctor’s thesis. Admission to a PhD course is conditioned by an entrance examination.
2. Steps to submit the application files
Application files must be submitted through diplomatic missions. Application files submitted by post or directly to the MFA or to the MER, as well as application files received after the announced deadline will NOT be taken into consideration.
3. Calendar
The registration period begins on 16 December 2019. The candidate should enquire at the diplomatic mission where he intends to submit the application file about the enrolment calendar. The deadline for submitting the application files is established by each diplomatic mission, but not later than 16 March 2020.
Foreign diplomatic missions accredited in Bucharest will submit their application files to the MFA – Public Diplomacy, Cultural and Scientific Directorate (DDPCŞ), accompanied by a verbal note, by 16 March 2020.
Keywords: fully funded romanian government scholarships for international students 2020, romanian government scholarship 2020 2021, romania scholarship 2020 2021, romania government scholarship 2020, romania scholarship for international student