Raman Charpak Fellowship 2019
Raman Charpak Fellowship 2019
The Raman–Charpak Fellowship program is in honour of two Nobel Laureates in Physics, Prof C.V. Raman, Indian Nobel Laureate, 1930 and Prof Georges Charpak, French Nobel Laureate, 1992. Raman Charpak Fellowship 2019
The Fellowship was launched during the State visit of the President of France, H.E. Mr. Francois Hollande, to India during February 14-15th, 2013. The aim is to facilitate the exchange of doctoral students between the two countries, in order to broaden the scope and depth of future engagements in science, technology and innovation.
The Raman-Charpak Fellowship is the only Indo-French bilateral Fellowship programme jointly funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and the Service for Science and Technology (SST), French Embassy in India, Ministry for Europe & Foreign Affairs, Government of France.
This programme implemented by the Indo French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR/ CEFIPRA) aims at improving the doctoral skills of Indian and French students by providing them an opportunity to carry out part of their research work in a University / Research Institute based in France or India respectively.
The scheme also provides an exposure and experience about the current research methods and trends in France/India, while discovering each another’s cultural context. Since year 2013, 57 Raman-Charpak Fellows have been supported under this programme.
Target group: Programme is for PhD research scholars and Maters Students [only from France (included from year 2016)] at an Indian or French Research Institute / University. Raman Charpak Fellowship 2019
Duration: 2 to 6 Months
- Applicants from India must be Indian citizens residing in India and have registered for a PhD in a recognized university or research institution in India
- Applicants from France must be residing in France and have registered for a PhD/masters in a recognized university or research institution in France
- Age: Maximum 30 years
- Students once supported by CEFIPRA, also in the framework of CEFIPRA projects, and students who have a permanent position in institutions/universities are not eligible
Application procedure: Application are submitted only through online submission system. Register here
Fellowship support:
- For Indian Fellow: Fellowship Support of 1500 Euros per month for daily expenses, local travel, accommodation charges plus Social Security charges
- For French Fellow: Fellowship support Rs. 40,000 per month for daily expenses, local travel, etc. plus accommodation charges not exceeding Rs. 45,000 per month
- One return airfare ticket in economy class between India and France
- Insurance coverage (travel & health) wherever is required
- Any administrative costs for Visa and Registration, if any
- Carte de Sejour, if any
- Additional support (up to Euro 500 for Indian Fellows and equivalent support in Indian Rupees for French Fellows) for participating in a Seminar/Workshop during their term of the fellowship and stay in their host countries; limited to registration fees , travel & accommodation charges
- Launching of applications: 15 May 2019
- End of deadline: 15 July 2019
- Declaration of result: End- Sept, 2019 (Tentative)
- Starting date of fellowship: Mid October 2019 onwards