Postdoctoral Position in Japan
Created | Title | Organization | Research Fields | Application Deadline |
09/06/2020 | Application Guidelines for NIG Postdoctoral Fellows 2021 | Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Genetics | Biological sciences, Anthropology, Architecture > Design, Engineering > Design engineering, Engineering > Biomedical engineering, Agricultural sciences > Other, Educational sciences, History > History of science, Information science > Library science, Geography, Sociology > Other, Neurosciences > Neuropsychology | 08/07/2020 23:59 |
09/06/2020 | Call for Applications, Postdoctoral Researcher, Quantum/Superconducting engineering field | Nagoya University | Engineering > Electrical engineering, Engineering > Electronic engineering, Physics > Applied physics, Physics > Quantum mechanics, Technology, Computer science | 26/06/2020 23:59 |
09/06/2020 | Postdoctoral Fellow (psychology, artificial intelligence, informatics, cognitive science, robotics, neuroscience, philosophy) | Hokkaido University | Psychological sciences, Computer science, Agricultural sciences > Other | 10/07/2020 23:59 |
09/06/2020 | Postdoctoral researcher at Protein Crystal Analysis Promotion Group in Protein Crystal Analysis Division [No.20B001] | Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute | Biological sciences, Chemistry > Applied chemistry, Pharmacological sciences > Pharmacy | 30/06/2020 23:59 |
09/06/2020 | Postdoctoral Scholar / Complex Fluids and Flows Unit | Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University | Engineering, Architecture, Technology > Construction technology, Technology > Materials technology, Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Environmental science > Earth science | 10/08/2020 23:59 |
09/06/2020 | Program-Specific Researcher (Postdoctoral Fellow) position in Kyoto University Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (Cognitive Neurobiology Group) | Kyoto University | Neurosciences > Neuropsychology, Biological sciences > Biology | 10/09/2020 23:59 |
09/06/2020 | Program-Specific Researcher (Postdoctoral Fellow) position in Kyoto University Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (Comparative Epigenomics) | Kyoto University | Biological sciences > Biology, Computer science | 30/09/2020 23:59 |
09/06/2020 | Program-Specific Researcher (Postdoctoral Fellow) position in Kyoto University Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (Single-Cell Genome Information Analysis Core) | Kyoto University | Biological sciences > Biology, Biological sciences > Other, Technology > Biotechnology, Medical sciences > Medicine | 30/09/2020 23:59 |
09/06/2020 | Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher (or a Research Scientist) (R-CCS2001)(Field Theory Research Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics, Computer science, Technology > Computer technology | 04/07/2020 23:59 |
09/06/2020 | Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher (R-CCS2002)(Field Theory Research Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics, Computer science, Technology > Computer technology | 04/07/2020 23:59 |
09/06/2020 | Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Scientist (W20014)(Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics, Computer science | 30/07/2020 23:59 |
26/05/2020 | A postdoctoral position in National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases | Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine | Agricultural sciences > Zootechnics, Biological sciences > Zoology, Biological sciences > Biodiversity, Medical sciences > Medicine, Anthropology | 19/06/2020 23:59 |
26/05/2020 | Announcement for Postdoctoral Researcher position(Climate Variability Research) | The University of Tokyo | Astronomy > Cosmology, Environmental science > Earth science, Geosciences | 30/06/2020 23:59 |
26/05/2020 | Recruitment of Assistant Professor or Postdoctoral Researcher(Y.P.Chen-Kumatani Group, Materials Physics group) | Tohoku University | Technology > Micro-technology, Technology > Nanotechnology, Physics > Applied physics | 03/08/2020 23:59 |
26/05/2020 | Seeking a Research Scientist or Postdoctoral Researcher (W20017)(AI Utilization in Society and Legal System Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Computer science, Technology > Computer technology, Physics > Applied physics, Physics > Quantum mechanics | 22/05/2021 23:59 |
12/05/2020 | Postdoctoral Fellow position (Gong group) (Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery, Hokkaido University) | Hokkaido University | Chemistry | 15/06/2020 23:59 |
12/05/2020 | Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher (W20009)(Innovative Photon Manipulation Research Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics > Applied physics, Engineering, Architecture, Technology > Construction technology, Technology > Materials technology | 28/04/2021 23:59 |
12/05/2020 | Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Scientist (W20002)(Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics, Engineering, Architecture, Technology > Construction technology, Technology > Materials technology, Computer science | 30/06/2020 23:59 |
27/04/2020 | Postdoctoral Fellow(Group of Dr. Kageyama in Condensed Matter Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science) | Hokkaido University | Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics > Applied physics, Physics > Quantum mechanics, Environmental science > Earth science, Technology > Computer technology, Technology > Information technology, Computer science, Engineering > Computer engineering, Engineering > Knowledge engineering, Information science > Library science | 31/08/2020 23:59 |
27/04/2020 | Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Scientist (W20001)(Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics, Computer science, Technology > Computer technology | 30/06/2020 23:59 |
27/04/2020 | Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Scientist (W20008)(Electronic States Microscopy Research Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics > Applied physics, Engineering, Architecture, Technology > Construction technology, Technology > Materials technology | 27/04/2021 23:59 |
27/04/2020 | Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher or Technical Scientist (W20007)(Electronic States Microscopy Research Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics > Applied physics, Engineering, Architecture, Technology > Construction technology, Technology > Materials technology | 27/04/2021 23:59 |
14/04/2020 | Call for Postdoctoral Fellow (Project Researcher) in Zenas Chao Laboratory in IRCN, The University of Tokyo | The University of Tokyo | Neurosciences > Neuropsychology, Biological sciences > Laboratory animal science | 31/07/2020 23:59 |
14/04/2020 | Postdoctoral Research Position in Nuclear Dynamics (Biophysics, Cell Biology) | Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Genetics | Biological sciences, Physics | 30/06/2020 23:59 |
14/04/2020 | Seeking a Research Scientist or Postdoctoral Researcher (CPR-PS1903)(Prediction Science Laboratory) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics, Engineering, Architecture, Technology > Construction technology, Technology > Materials technology, Computer science | 14/04/2021 23:59 |
31/03/2020 | Call for Project Assistant Professor and Postdoctoral Fellow in Nagai Laboratory in IRCN, The University of Tokyo | The University of Tokyo | Technology > Information technology, Technology > Computer technology, Engineering > Knowledge engineering, Computer science > Informatics | 31/07/2020 23:59 |
31/03/2020 | Seeking a Research Scientist or Postdoctoral (R-CCS-P1906)(Computational Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Research Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Engineering, Architecture, Technology > Construction technology, Technology > Materials technology, Technology > Computer technology, Computer science | 24/03/2021 23:59 |
31/03/2020 | Seeking Postdoctoral Researchers | Gifu University | Medical sciences > Medicine | 30/06/2020 23:59 |
17/03/2020 | Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher (W19292)(Robotics for Infrastructure Management Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Computer science | 10/03/2021 23:59 |
17/03/2020 | Seeking a Research Scientist or Postdoctoral Researcher (W19300)(Information Integration for Neuroscience Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Engineering, Architecture, Technology > Construction technology, Technology > Materials technology, Computer science | 11/03/2021 23:59 |
17/03/2020 | Seeking a Research Scientist/Postdoctoral Researcher (W19293) (Imperfect Information Learning Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Computer science, Engineering > Computer engineering, Technology > Computer technology | 04/03/2021 23:59 |
03/03/2020 | Seeking Research Scientists or Postdoctoral Researchers (W19283) (AI security and privacy team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Computer science, Engineering > Computer engineering, Technology > Computer technology | 27/02/2021 23:59 |
18/02/2020 | Seeking a Research Scientist or Postdoctoral Researcher (R-CCS1903) (Processor Research Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Computer science, Engineering > Computer engineering, Technology > Computer technology | 12/02/2021 23:59 |
04/02/2020 | Postdoctoral Fellow position (Hijikata group) (Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery, Hokkaido University) | Hokkaido University | Chemistry | 30/06/2020 23:59 |
04/02/2020 | Postdoctoral Researcher Position (Tissue Regeneration Materials Group) | National Institute for Materials Science | Engineering, Architecture, Technology > Construction technology, Technology > Materials technology, Pharmacological sciences > Pharmacy, Medical sciences > Medicine, Medical sciences > Other, Biological sciences > Other | 27/07/2020 23:59 |
04/02/2020 | Seeking Postdoctoral Researchers (W19270)(Quantum Functional System Research Group) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics, Engineering, Architecture, Technology > Construction technology, Technology > Materials technology, Computer science | 03/02/2021 23:59 |
21/01/2020 | Seeking a Research Scientist / Postdoctoral Researcher (W19233)(Superconducting Quantum Electronics Research Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics, Engineering, Architecture, Technology > Construction technology, Technology > Materials technology | 14/01/2021 23:59 |
07/01/2020 | Postdoctoral Fellow position (List group) (Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery, Hokkaido University) | Hokkaido University | Chemistry | 30/06/2020 23:59 |
17/12/2019 | Seeking a Research Scientist or Postdoctoral Researcher(W19211) (Strong Correlation Materials Research Group) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics > Applied physics | 06/12/2020 23:59 |
19/11/2019 | Postdoctoral Fellow position (Mita group) (Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery, Hokkaido University) | Hokkaido University | Chemistry | 30/06/2020 23:59 |
11/11/2019 | Postdoctoral Researcher, FRIS, Tohoku University: -Extended- | Tohoku University | Biological sciences > Laboratory animal science, Biological sciences > Biology, Biological sciences > Other, Technology > Biotechnology | 30/09/2020 23:59 |
22/10/2019 | Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher (W19150)(Human biomimetic system RIKEN Hakubi Research Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Biological sciences, Technology > Micro-technology, Technology > Nanotechnology, Engineering > Mechanical engineering | 15/10/2020 23:59 |
22/10/2019 | Seeking a Research Scientist or Postdoctoral Researcher (IMS103-1901)(Laboratory for Genome Information Analysis) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Technology > Biotechnology, Biological sciences > Biology, Biological sciences > Other, Neurosciences, Medical sciences | 18/10/2020 23:59 |
13/08/2019 | Seeking Senior Scientist/Research Scientist/Postdoctoral Researcher(Data Assimilation Research Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Computer science, Engineering > Computer engineering, Engineering > Knowledge engineering, Technology > Computer technology, Technology > Information technology, Information science > Library science, Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Environmental science > Earth science | 01/08/2020 23:59 |
31/07/2019 | Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Scientist (W19093)(Attosecond Science Research Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics > Applied physics | 25/07/2020 23:59 |
31/07/2019 | Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Scientist (W19094)(Attosecond Science Research Team) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Physics > Applied physics | 25/07/2020 23:59 |
02/07/2019 | Postdoctoral research scientist position (Computational neuroscience)(W19072)(Hiroyuki Nakahara Lab. for Integrated Theoretical Neuroscience) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Neurosciences > Neuropsychology, Technology > Information technology, Engineering > Knowledge engineering, Computer science > Informatics | 20/06/2020 23:59 |
02/07/2019 | Postdoctoral research scientist position (Human fMRI)(W19071)(Hiroyuki Nakahara Lab. for Integrated Theoretical Neuroscience) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Neurosciences > Neuropsychology, Technology > Information technology, Engineering > Knowledge engineering, Computer science > Informatics | 20/06/2020 23:59 |
02/07/2019 | Seeking a Research Scientist, Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Associate, Technical Scientist or Technical Staff I (IMS106-1902)(Laboratory for Large-Scale Biomedical Data Technology) | RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) | Biological sciences > Biology, Biological sciences > Other, Medical sciences > Medicine, Technology > Biotechnology | 19/06/2020 23:59 |