PhD in Renewal Energy – 20+ Funded Positions
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PhD in Renewal Energy
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Ph.D. Positions: Island system operation with high degree of renewable energy resources
Organization/University: Pontificia Comillas University
Deadline: 31/01/2020
PhD position: Cavity Enhanced Nanochemistry
Organization/University: DIFFER, Netherland
PhD position (m/f/d) in Metal Hydride Development
Organization/University: Helmholtz Germany
Deadline: 17/07/2019
12 PhD Positions (f/m/d) in Electro-Optical-Mechanical Materials and Devices for Energy Harvesting
- A. Electronic Circuits for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting and Sensor Array Systems
- B. Excitation-Conforming, Shape-Adaptive Mechano-Electrical Energy Conversion
- C. Macroscale Continuum Modeling and FE Simulation of Electromechanical Coupling in Perovskite-Based Materials
D. Additive Manufacturing of Cellular Lead-Free Ceramics - E. Lead Free Perovskite Semiconductors with Tunable Bandgap for Energy Conversion
- F. Room Temperature Aerosol Deposition of Lead-Free Ferroelectric Films for Energy Conversion Systems
- G. Formulation and Crystallization of Perovskite Bearing Glass-Ceramics for Light Management
- H. Stress Modulated Electromechanical Coupling of Lead-Free Ferroelectrics
- I. Growth of Single Crystal Transition Metal Perovskite Chalcogenides
- J. Solution Processed Ferroelectrics in Photovoltaic Devices
- K. Multi-Scale Modeling of Electromechanical Coupling in Perovskite-Based Ferroelectric Materials and Composites
- L. Modeling of Defect and Surface Chemistry of Perovskites
Organization/University: Faculty of Engineering Germany
Deadline: 26/07/2019
Doctoral student in Sustainable Built Environment
Organization/University: Linnaeus University Sweden
Deadline: Check link
PhD position “Scenario generation for design and operation of energy systems under uncertainty”
Organization/University: Julich Research Centre, Germany
Deadline: 14/08/2019
PhD Candidate (m/f/d) ? Electron Paramagnetic Resonance on a Chip
Organization/University: Helmholtz Berlin
Deadline: 13/07/2019
PhD scholarship in Power Electronics
Organization/University: Technical University of Denmark
Deadline: 15/07/2019
PhD Acoustic material design combining resonant absorbers and micro-perforations
Organization/University: Eindhowan University of Technology
Deadline: 30/09/2019
PhD position in dynamic Material Flow Analysis (MFA) for lithium-ion battery (LIB) recycling
Organization/University: NTNU Norway
Deadline: 05/07/2019
More PhD Positions
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