PhD in Microbiology – 24 Positions
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PhD in Microbiology – 24 Positions
Microbial Ecology at Western University, Canada
Deadline: June 30, 2019
An MSc or PhD position is available to investigate soil microbiomes associated with ginseng replant disease at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada. Ginseng is the most valuable cash crop grown in Ontario, Canada, but suffers from replant disease, a type of root rot, when ginseng is re-seeded on land previously used for a crop of ginseng. A collaborative group is investigating environmental pathology of this disease from multiple perspectives, including specific pathogens, soil biogeochemistry, and the role of co-existing microorganisms. Specific projects in the Tai lab include investigating bacterial, protist, or nematode communities associated with the development of replant disease.
PhD on antimicrobial drug combinations
Oranization or Institute: University of Wurzburg, Germany
Deadline: June 20, 2019
A highly motivated PhD student is sought to elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying species-specificity of drug combinations against P. aeruginosa. This exciting project combines high-throughput screening of mutant libraries with detailed in-depth molecular investigation.
PhD position- Mycobacterium: Spain
Deadline: June 15, 2019
A candidate is searched to apply for a predoctoral contract (through a call from the Research Institute for Health Research from the Gregorio Marañón Hospital) at the Clinical Microbiology Service at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital (Madrid, Spain). The candidate will work on the integration of new molecular strategies based on whole genome sequencing (WGS) for the optimization of tuberculosis transmission in different socio-epidemiological scenarios.
PhD position – Antimicrobial peptides at Complutense University of Madrid
Deadline: 28 July, 2019
A position is offered for carrying out a PhD in the project “Development of new omics and molecular techniques for the identification, characterisation and synthesis of antimicrobial peptides inhibiting bacterial pathogens and those altering food-based products”
PhD Position in Non-target Microbiome Metabolomics: University of Luxumbourg
Deadline: 28 July, 2019
Microbiomes in One Health (MICROH) is a competitive, interdisciplinary PhD training programme, supported by the PRIDE funding scheme of the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR). MICROH aims to study interactions within and between microbiomes relating to two major healthcare challenges of our time, i.e. the spread of antimicrobial resistance genes and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases.
PhD Position on the metabolism of photorophic bacteria: Czech Republic
Deadline: 5 October, 2019
The PhD project focusses on the metabolism of phototrophic bacteria. Light energy from the sun drives basically all the life on Earth. Photosynthesis, the process where light energy is captured and converted in the chemical energy available for organisms, represent one of the most important biological processes.