Max Plank PhD Scholarship 2020
Table of Contents
Max Plank PhD Scholarship – Germany
Max Plank PhD Scholarship is out for 2020. The International Max Planck Research School IMPRS takes on the challenge of creating an exciting, interdisciplinary PhD program that will motivate young scholars to choose a career in research.
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1. Online registration:
The first step of the application process is the online registration. You will have to provide the following data:
- Personal data: You will be asked to enter your personal data and information regarding your previous academic studies.
- Referees: The application program will ask you for name and e-mail address of two academic teachers or supervisors who are able and willing to evaluate your personality, experience, and intellectual merit.
- Research interests: Please select up to five potential thesis supervisors from the list of research group leaders.
- Supporting documents: At the end of the online registration you have to upload your certificates, transcripts and other supporting documents as a single PDF-file (max.= 25 pages; zip-or rar-files will be rejected).
Successful online registration is confirmed directly on your screen and within 30 min by e-mail. This e-mail contains a registration code required for the entire application process.
2. Supporting documents:
Before you start the online registration you should prepare a single PDF-file of your certificates and other supporting documents.
To avoid confusion we ask you to prepare the file in the following order:
- curriculum vitae in short form
- transcripts / record of study / certificates, e.g. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree
- TOEFL/IELTS, GRE, honors and awards (if available, not mandatory)
- Publications (only first page)
Note: Upload only in PDF-format, zip-files will be rejected!
All submitted documents have to be in English or in German!
3. Reference letters:
Email requests with the registration code and the link will be automatically send to your referees by the database system. Your referees will be asked to upload their recommendation letters onto our server. They can upload a normal recommendation letter or they can use our referee report form. After submitting the referee reports your referees and you will get confirmations by e-mail. If it is necessary to change a referee during the application process or if there are any other problems please contact the coordination office.
To apply for autumn 2020, please register here before January, 31st 2020:
Last day for submission of the referee reports 7.2.2020!
Ufuoma Okrikri
Very useful. Thanks
Ufuoma Okrikri
Very useful and helpful. Thanks.