Jawaharlal Nehru Postdoctoral Fellowship at TIFR
Visiting Fellow Applications
Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR
The Theoretical Physics Department of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research selects a few postdoctoral Visiting Fellows every year in December-January and in May-June. These are one-year positions but can be renewed for maximum up to three years. These positions are available to anyone who has a Ph.D. degree in Theoretical Physics or who has submitted a thesis to a recognized Ph.D.-granting institution for such a degree. Benefits in addition to the salary include medical support inside the campus and possibly on campus housing.
Candidates with more than one year of postdoctoral experience and with exceptional academic records will be considered for a prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru postdoctoral fellowship which has internationally competitive salary.
Successful candidates will carry out research at the Theoretical Physics department and will have opportunities to collaborate with the members of the department, who work in topics including cosmology and astroparticle physics, condensed matter and statistical physics, electroweak particle physics, strong interaction physics including lattice QCD, and string theory and mathematical physics.
Applications for the June selection is now open. Deadline is April 30th, 2019. Applicants need to apply via Academic Jobs Online (AJO), with covering letter, full CV, list of publications, and a statement of research interests.
Jawaharlal Nehru Post-doctoral Visiting Scientists Scheme
A prestigious new post-doctoral fellowship scheme called “Jawaharlal Nehru Post-doctoral Visiting Scientists Scheme” has been initiated to mark the Golden Jubilee of the inauguration of the Mumbai main campus of TIFR in 1962 by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
Applications are invited under this scheme from young scientists of exceptional intellectual calibre.
The fellowship is fixed at a high level in the range Rs. 55,000 – 75,000 (consolidated, in addition to HRA as per rules) depending on the qualification and post-doctoral experience.
The scheme is applicable to the candidates with at least one year of post-doctoral experience. It is meant for those who do not have a position elsewhere at the time of joining the Institute.
A recommendation made after rigorous peer review process by a particular Faculty will be considered by a special committee chaired by the Director.
The maximum number of such fellowships that may be operated at any point of times is 12 for the entire Institute. There is no quota for any faculty.
The appointment will be made initially for a year, and may be renewed for one more year.
Medical, vacation and leave benefits, as applicable to postdoctoral fellows of the Institute will apply.
Interested candidates should apply through any regular faculty member of the institute.