iASK Research Scholarships 2020-2021
Table of Contents
iASK Research Scholarships
The Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) invites applications with scientific and social innovation relevance from all disciplines for the academic year of 1 September 2020 – 30 June 2021 for periods of 3-10 months.
Preference will be given to applications that focus on interdisciplinary social science and humanities OR to applications in the natural sciences that have social relevance. Topics that directly relate to the research centres and programs of iASK are given preference. Research proposals should connect theoretical knowledge with practical analysis that has the potential to result in policy recommendations that serve the public good on the local, national, regional and global levels.
Advanced Research on New Methodologies
Grants are available for senior researchers working on the following broad themes:
From Linear thinking to “Metadisciplinary” contextuality
- Elemér Hankiss Fellowship: Novel transdisciplinary methodologies challenging ‘old’ paradigms
- History of science in the context of political changes
**Polányi Centre
**Grants are available for senior and early-career researchers working on the following broad themes:
Globalisation, Democracy and Sustainable Societies:
- The crisis and transformation of democracy and socio-economic polarisation (security, war, violence, changing energy paradigms, water scarcity, causes and consequences of migration)
- Traumatised societies and forms of social dissent
- Complex systems theory from social, political and economic perspectives
- Conflict and cooperation in evolutionary systems and societies
**KRAFT Social Innovation Lab
**Grants are available for senior and early-career researchers working on the following themes:
- The regional specificities of human networks and novel collaboration methods based on regional value sets
- Sustainable societies: resilience and social capital in today’s peripheral regions
- New patterns of community healthcare: best practices and their applicability in Western Hungary
Grants are available for early-career researchers on the following themes:
- Hybrid value chains and utilization of volunteering
- Mediation techniques in groups of small settlements
The scholarship covers living costs in Kőszeg (housing, food), health insurance, visa costs (if applicable) and travel related to research and professional activities. iASK does not provide extra funds for these expenses.
Applications should include the following:
- a completed application form (downloadable)
- a research proposal (4-5 pages)
- a signed declaration form (downloadable)
- an academic Curriculum Vitae
- Early career researchers are to attach 2 professional recommendation letters as well.
Inquiries about the grant should be sent to us via email.
For further details please visit the website.