Early Career Fellowship – University of California
UCI Global Scholars Early Career Fellowship
The purpose of the UCI Global Scholars Early Career Fellowship is to support professionalization in the field of Global Studies, including successful publishing, by fostering quality mentorship for junior scholars.
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Successful applicants will present a work in progress to a panel of distinguished scholars. Panel mentors will comment on the Fellow’s work, making suggestions intended to increase the likelihood it will be accepted for publication. Topics of discussion could include the kinds of questions being asked, relevant literature in the field, appropriate conclusions, significance of the work, avenues for further research and funding, and specific journals or publishers to which the work could be submitted.
Scholars from historically underrepresented backgrounds including women, minorities, Indigenous scholars, as well as scholars from the global south, are especially encouraged to apply.
UC Irvine will provide successful applicants with travel and lodging at the conference.
Submission Details
Early career scholars, including pre-tenure assistant professors, postdoctoral fellows, recent Ph.D. and advanced graduates (ABD), are eligible to apply.
The deadline for applications is Friday, October 18, 2019.
- Online Application
- Curriculum Vitae
- Article or book chapter in progress with abstract1
- A one-page research statement2
- One copy of student’s transcript (student applicants only)3
- Letter of Recommendation (the name of one recommender who is well acquainted with your academic work)
1Applicants must submit with their application a full draft of a work in progress that they will present at the conference. The work could be a journal article or book chapter that is to be submitted for publication to a peer review journal or academic press. The selection committee tends to favor well developed, critical and interdisciplinary projects that explicitly connect the local and the global in creative ways.
2The research statement should describe your general research interests and how your current project fits into your larger research agenda. Please keep in mind that we are a Global and International Studies Department and our main interests are in global issues.
3Graduate students enrolled in doctoral programs in the United States are required to submit an unofficial graduate transcript. Graduate students enrolled in research-only programs that do not have graduate classes do not need to submit a transcipt
For further information regarding the conference, please contact:
Jessica Cañas-Castañeda
Department Administrator
Department of Global and International Studies
579 Social Science Tower
Phone: (949) 824-0151
Email: jcanas@uci.edu
Philip McCarty
Graduate Director
Department of Global and International Studies
591 Social Science Tower
Phone: (949) 824-6352
Email: philip.mccarty@uci.edu
Click here for more information
Keywords: PhD, Postdoc, Travel Fellowship, uci financial aid, uci travel grants, uci funding