

NCERT DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is an autonomous organization set up by the Government of India to advise and assist the Ministry of Human Resource Development at the center, and Education Departments of States/Union

University of Stavanger Vacancies Below are some of the funded PhD and postdoc positions available at University of Stavanger, Norway Join our social media group to get frequent updates on Scholarships Whatsapp: Facebook: Telegram: Twitter: Click here for latest lists of PhD Scholarships Click here for

AfricaLics PhD Visiting Fellowship The aim of the visiting fellowship programme and the scholarships is to help African PhD students working in the field of Innovation and Development to strengthen their academic/research qualifications; improve quality of their dissertations and prepare for

Senior Research Fellowship Programme: Theoretical and Experimental Physics. The Senior Research Fellowship Programme is aimed at graduates from universities studying in the fields of theoretical and experimental physics with between 4 and 10 years’ experience. Senior Research Fellowships are intended for PhD graduates looking