PhD Vacancy at CNRS France – All major field
PhD Vacancy at CNRS France
Below are some of the latest Funded/Fully Funded positions for PhD vacancy at CNRS France
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11/10/2019 | Communications in the THz range up to Tbit / s based on photonic devices (H / F) Institute for Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology – UMR8520 – IEMN |
VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ | Hauts-de-France | PhD student |
11/10/2019 | Funded doctoral offer: Self-organization of passive and active biological particles (M / F) PAUL PASCAL RESEARCH CENTER – UMR5031 – CRPP |
PESSAC | Aquitaine and Limousin | PhD student |
11/10/2019 | thesis in immunoinformatics H / F Institute of Human Genetics – UMR9002 – IGH |
MONTPELLIER | Occitanie East | PhD student |
11/10/2019 | PhD student (H / F) Limited-persistence distributed objects. Bordelais Laboratory of Research in Computer Science – UMR5800 – LaBRI |
TALENCE | Aquitaine and Limousin | PhD student |
11/10/2019 | (M / F) CIGS-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells in High Efficiency Thin Films : Optimization of Manufacturing Processes and Production of Prototypes Ile-de-France Institute for Research and Development in Photovoltaic Energy – UMR9006 – IPVF |
GIF ON YVETTE | Ile-de-France | PhD student |
11/10/2019 | (M / F) CIGS-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells in High Performance Thin Films: Characterization and Modeling for Performance Optimization Ile-de-France Photovoltaic Energy Research and Development Institute – UMR9006 – IPVF |
GIF ON YVETTE | Ile-de-France | PhD student |
10/10/2019 | doctorate (e) at the Institute of chemistry and processes for energy, environment and health H / F Institute of Chemistry and Processes for Energy, Environment and Health – UMR7515 – ICPEES |
STRASBOURG | Alsace | PhD student |
10/10/2019 | Doctoral contract “Operation of an oasis community in Saudi Arabia and its relations with the environment: the oasis of al-‘Ulā” H / F Eco-anthropology – UMR7206 – EAE |
PARIS 16 | Ile-de-France | PhD student |
10/10/2019 | Modeling of self-assembly of passive and active viral sticks (H / F) Laboratory of Solid Physics – UMR8502 – LPS |
ORSAY | Ile-de-France | PhD student |
10/10/2019 | PhD Student (H / F) “AMPHIBIAN MODEL TO STUDY THE DISTURBANCE OF THYROID SIGNALING” Molecular Physiology and Adaptation – UMR7221 |
PARIS 05 | Ile-de-France | PhD student |
10/10/2019 | PhD student in experimental and digital acoustics H / F Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology – UMR8520 – IEMN |
VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ | Hauts-de-France | PhD student |
08/10/2019 | Doctoral contract H / F – PhD – Development of nanosonde 3D technologies for neuronal recording and stimulation at the sub-cellular level. Laboratory of Analysis and Architecture of CNRS Systems – UPR8001 – LAAS-CNRS |
TOULOUSE | Occitanie West | PhD student |
08/10/2019 | PhD student H / F Dynamics of vegetation and plant-animal interactions in the Sahel region of Ferlo (Senegal) Environment, Health, Societies – UMI3189 – ESS |
MARSEILLE 06 | Ile-de-France | PhD student |
08/10/2019 | Thesis in Developmental Biology (M / F) BIOLOGY CENTER FOR DEVELOPMENT – UMR5547 – CBD |
TOULOUSE | Occitanie West | PhD student |
08/10/2019 | PhD student (M / F) in photonics / microwaves CNRS Laboratory of Analysis and System Architecture – UPR8001 – LAAS-CNRS |
TOULOUSE | Occitanie West | PhD student |
08/10/2019 | PhD student in plasma physics (H / F) Institute of combustion, aerothermal, reactivity and environment – UPR3021 – ICARE |
ORLEANS | Center Poitou-Charentes | PhD student |
PAU | Aquitaine and Limousin | PhD student |
07/10/2019 | Thesis in experimental physics and neural networks H / F Laboratory of Physics ENS – UMR8023 – LPENS |
PARIS 05 | Ile-de-France | PhD student |
04/10/2019 | PhD student in computational neuroscience ANALYTICAL AND ECONOMIC THEORY GROUP LYON – ST-ETIENNE – UMR5824 – GATE |
ECULLY | Rhone-Auvergne | PhD student |
02/10/2019 | H / F PhD studentNew intermetallic catalysts for the synthesis of ammonia INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY OF CONDENSED MATTER OF BORDEAUX – UMR5026 – ICMCB |
PESSAC | Aquitaine and Limousin | PhD student |
02/10/2019 | H / F Optimal Antenna Design for Miniature Terminal for the Internet of Things Antennas and Telecommunications Electronics Laboratory – UMR7248 – LEAT |
SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS | French Riviera | PhD student |
02/10/2019 | H / F PhD student in microbiology Bioenergetics and protein engineering – UMR7281 – BIP |
MARSEILLE 09 | Provence and Corsica | PhD student |
02/10/2019 | PhD student (H / F) Automatic text analysis for young readers, Paris Nanterre Models, Dynamics, Corpus – UMR7114 – MoDyCo |
NANTERRE | Ile-de-France | PhD student |
01/10/2019 | H / F Master 2 or Engineer in Materials Science CHEMISTRY INSTITUTE OF CLERMONT-FERRAND – UMR6296 – ICCF |
AUBIERE | Rhone-Auvergne | PhD student |
01/10/2019 | Thesis in quantum metrology, Nice Physics Institute (CNRS), Nice (H / F) Nice Institute of Physics – UMR7010 – INPHYNI |
NICE | French Riviera | PhD student |
01/10/2019 | Thesis offer (M / F) in forest ecology and climatology Ecology and dynamics of anthropized systems – UMR7058 – EDYSAN |
AMIENS | Hauts-de-France | PhD student |
01/10/2019 | Docotrat – Thesis in joint supervision CNRS / G2Elab / NTU Singapore H / F LABORATORY OF ELECTRIC ENGINEERING OF GRENOBLE – UMR5269 – G2Elab |
GRENOBLE | Alpes | PhD student |
01/10/2019 | PhD student in instrumental molecular spectroscopy (H / F) INTERDISCIPLINARY PHYSICS LABORATORY – UMR5588 – LIPhy |
ST MARTIN D HERES | Alpes | PhD student |
30/09/2019 | H / F Doctoral Fellowship in the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN), in close collaboration with Institut Pasteur, Lille, France Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology – UMR8520 – IEMN |
VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ | Hauts-de-France | PhD student |
30/09/2019 | H / F Ph.D. student in Manufacturing and characterization of composite materials Al (Al ally) / B4C (C) INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY OF CONDENSED MATTER OF BORDEAUX – UMR5026 – ICMCB |
PESSAC | Aquitaine and Limousin | PhD student |
30/09/2019 | H / F Wearable antenna design and measurement for IoT applications Antennas and Telecommunications Electronics Laboratory – UMR7248 – LEAT |
SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS | French Riviera | PhD student |
27/09/2019 | Dotoctant (e) H / F Couplings from HIGGS sector to heavy quarks and physics news tests Laboratory of Theoretical Physics – UMR8627 – LPT |
ORSAY | Ile-de-France | PhD student |
27/09/2019 | «Doctorate – Aging and sociability transformations in Europe H / F» Societies, actors, government in Europe – UMR7363 – SAGE |
STRASBOURG | Alsace | PhD student |
27/09/2019 | Numerical simulations of the damage of biological molecules subjected to ionizing radiation (H / F applications desired) Laboratory of Physical Chemistry – UMR8000 – LCP |
ORSAY | Ile-de-France | PhD student |
27/09/2019 | Thesis in Geomatics – Specialized in Remote Sensing (H / F): Analysis of massive time series of satellite images for the monitoring of land use dynamics Laboratory Image, City, Environment – UMR7362 – LIVE |
STRASBOURG | Alsace | PhD student |
27/09/2019 | Doctoral contract H / F in social and economic anthropology. Theme: “Inflation of Ceremonial Expenses in Central Asian Societies” Center for Russian, Caucasian and Central-European Studies – UMR8083 – CERCEC |
PARIS 06 | Ile-de-France | PhD student |
26/09/2019 | PhD student (M / F) in developmental biology: optogenetic control of FGF and Eph signaling pathways during embryogenesis of chordates. Montpellier Cell Biology Research Center – UMR5237 – CRBM |
MONTPELLIER | Occitanie East | PhD student |
26/09/2019 | PhD thesis in high resolution mass spectrometry applied to the analysis of cultural heritage samples (H / F) INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY OF MEMBRANES AND NANOOBJETS – UMR5248 – CBMN |
BORDEAUX | Aquitaine and Limousin | PhD student |
26/09/2019 | PhD Researcher (M / F) “Intelligent Lithium-Ion Battery Charge” ELECTROCHEMISTRY LABORATORY AND PHYSICO-CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS AND INTERFACES – UMR5279 – LEPMI |
ST MARTIN D HERES | Alpes | PhD student |
26/09/2019 | PhD Candidate in Physics / Nanophotographic H / F Center for Research on Heteroepitaxis and its Applications – UPR10 – CRHEA |
VALBONNE | French Riviera | PhD student |
24/09/2019 | PhD candidate (H / F) Institute of Historical Research of the North – UMR8529 – IRHis |
VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ | Hauts-de-France | PhD student |
24/09/2019 | PhD in catalysis and reaction engineering (H / F) CATALYTIC PROCESS ENGINEERING LABORATORY – UMR5285 – LGPC |
VILLEURBANNE | Rhone-Auvergne | PhD student |
24/09/2019 | Multimodal Imaging Combining Raman Diffusion and Mass Spectrometry Applied to Tuberculosis (M / F) INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY OF MEMBRANES AND NANOOBJETS – UMR5248 – CBMN |
BORDEAUX | Aquitaine and Limousin | PhD student |
24/09/2019 | H / F thesis proposal: “Intrusion of electrolyte solutions in zeolites and MOF-type organic-inorganic frameworks for the storage and absorption of mechanical energy” Mulhouse Institute of Materials Science – UMR7361 – IS2M |
MULHOUSE | Alsace | PhD student |
23/09/2019 | PhD H / F Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases – UMR5293 – IMN |
BORDEAUX | Aquitaine and Limousin | PhD student |
23/09/2019 | PhD H / F – M / F Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases – UMR5293 – IMN |
BORDEAUX | Aquitaine and Limousin | PhD student |
23/09/2019 | H / F doctoral student position in heterogeneous catalysis LYON CATALYSIS AND ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH INSTITUTE – UMR5256 – IRCELYON |
VILLEURBANNE | Rhone-Auvergne | PhD student |
23/09/2019 | Thesis (M / F) Texturing of polymer surfaces ENGINEERING OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS – UMR5223 – IMP |
VILLEURBANNE | Rhone-Auvergne | PhD student |
23/09/2019 | CDD PhD student in network analysis and design Continous Transverse Stub (CTS) dual polarization (H / F) RENNES ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION INSTITUTE (IETR) – UMR6164 – IETR |
RENNES | Brittany and Pays de Loire | PhD student |
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