40+ PhD and Postdoc Vacancies at Delft University of Technology
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Delft University of Technology PhD and Postdoc Vacancies
Below are some of the PhD and Postdoc Positions at Delft University of Technology
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Faculty Aerospace Engineering
- PhD position: SAR altimetry and sea state (LR20.09)
- PhD position: solar-sail orbital dynamics in the near-Earth environment (LR20.11)
- PhD: Eco-efficient aircraft routing to largely reduce climate impact (LR20.13)
- PhD in Steamy, watery, rocky worlds (LR20.14)
- PhD on Icy Moons exospheres (LR20.15)
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher PhD position: Aerodynamics of floating offshore wind turbines undergoing large motions (LR20.16)
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher PhD position: Automated manufacturing of carbon fibre reinforced composites for offshore wind turbine blades (LR20.17)
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher PhD position: Multidisciplinary design analysis and optimisation framework for FOWT farms (LR20.18)
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher PhD position: Multi-scale numerical modelling of floating offshore wind turbines (LR20.19)
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher PhD position: Reduced-order models and machine learning for FOWT analysis and design (LR20.20)
Faculty Applied Sciences
- PDEng Trainee Designer in Bioprocess Engineering (TNW BT 19-056)
- PDEng Traineeship in Process & Equipment (TNW CE 19-055)
- PhD student in hydrodynamics of stirred bed reactors (TNW CE 20-028)
- PhD student in scalable manufacturing of nanostructured particles (TNW CE 20-029)
- Opportunities for PhD students or postdocs in Single-molecule studies of chromatin replication (TNWBN20-019)
- PhD Next generation multi-beam technology for high-throughput inspection (TNWIP20-010)
- PhD on Proton Therapy (TNWIP20-016)
- PhD position Neutron Tomography on Cultural Heritage (TNWRST20-003)
Faculty Architecture & the Built Environment *
Faculty Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
- PhD Student in the Distributed Systems Group (EWI2019-27)
- PhD Student in Static Semantics Specification (EWI2019-61)
- PhD position in theoretical probability (EWI2020-23)
- PhD in Computational Electromagnetics (EWI2020-29)
- PhD in machine learning for autonomous drone navigation (EWI2020-32)
- PhD position in Human-Centric AI for Medical Time-Critical Segmentation (EWI2020-42)
- PhD position in Data Retrieval and Target Classification with Radar (EWI2020-43)
Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
- PhD: Design optimization and prototyping of large-scale metamaterial structures for vibration control (3mE20-09)
- PhD: Safe Cooperation of Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed Traffic (3mE20-15)
- PhD: Logistics Models for Improving the Efficiency of Ports and Inland Waterways (3mE20-21)
- PhD: Dynamic and Stochastic Fleet Management Models for Transportation and Logistics (3mE20-22)
- PhD Probabilistic anomaly detection for online-monitoring in data-driven resilient control (3mE20-27)
- PhD Distributionally robust control algorithms for reconfigurable control (3mE20-27a)
- PhD position Ultrasonic Friction-Modulating Catheter (3mE20-28)
- PhD: Physical understanding of microstructure formation for the development of advanced steels (3mE20-29)
- PhD: Segregation of Multi-component particle mixtures (Industrial Dense Granular Flows project) (3mE20-31)
- PhD: Multi-fidelity Probabilistic Design Framework for Complex Marine Structures (3mE20-34)
- PhD position – Perceived Motion Comfort for Automated Driving (3mE20-35)
- PhD Advanced Control Future-proof district heating (3mE20-36)
- PhD: patient-tailored brachytherapy applicators (3mE20-38)
- PhD: Tensor decomposition for Efficient Robotic Perception (3mE20-40)
Postdoc Positions
Faculty Applied Sciences
Faculty Architecture & the Built Environment
Faculty Civil Engineering and Geosciences
- Postdoc: Smart extraction of solid particles from a waste flow (CITG20.18)
- Postdoc position for oceanographer on interactions of ocean circulation, ice sheet and climate change as modelled with CESM2 (CiTG20.25)
- Post doctoral researcher: secondary Raw Material Assessment (CiTG20.27)
- Post-doctoral researcher in numerical modelling of cyclic soil-monopile interaction (CiTG20.32)
Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
- Postdoc Social Networks (EWI2020-18)
- Postdoc in machine learning for autonomous drone navigation (EWI2020-33)
- Postdoc Computer Graphics and Visualization Group (EWI2020-35)
- Postdoc Quantitative Social Science (EWI2020-37)
- Postdoc Network Interference-based Prediction Algorithms for COVID-19 Exit Strategy evaluation (EWI2020-41)
Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Faculty Technology, Policy and Management
Οther units
Convergence for Health and Technology