IPR Junior Research Fellowship – 2019 for PhD
IPR Junior Research Fellowship – 2019 for PhD
Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) is a premier scientific research institute under the Department ofAtomic Energy, Govt. of India. IPR is located in Bhat Village, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. It has extension
laboratories; Facilitation Center for Industrial Plasma Technologies (FCIPT) at GIDC, Gandhinagar,
Gujarat and Center for Plasma Physics (CPP) at Guwahati, Assam. IPR is devoted to a wide range of research and development activities in the field of fundamental plasma physics, thermonuclear fusion as well as plasma technologies for industrial, medical, agricultural, textile, space & materials science applications. IPR is the nodal agency for India’s contributions to the ITER project, an international effort to
build the world’s first thermonuclear fusion reactor in France. IPR is also making a major contribution to
LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) India, which is a multi-institutional Indian
national project, meant for gravitational wave astronomy. Applications are invited from highly motivated students who are Indian nationals, to pursue doctoral
research in the broad areas of experimental, computational and theoretical plasma physics.
Educational Qualifications: M.Sc. in one of the following subjects: Physics, Engineering Physics or
Applied Physics with a minimum aggregate of 60%. Students must have Physics and Mathematics at the
under graduate level. Candidates expecting a Master degree in any one of the above subjects by August 31st
2019 can also apply. Eligibility Criteria: The candidates should have qualified at least one of the national level examinations:
(i) JEST – 2019 (in Physics) (ii) GATE in Physics (Paper code PH) valid for 2017/2018/2019 and (iii)
CSIR–UGC-JRF-NET in June 2018 or December 2018 in Physical Sciences (Subject code PHY). Age Limit: Not more than 26 years as on 1st Aug. 2019 (born on or after 01/08/1993). Age relaxation is
admissible to SC/ST/OBC/PWD etc. as per Government of India orders on the subject from time to time.
Selection Procedure: The candidates who satisfy the above criteria may apply. The short listed candidates
will be invited to appear for a personal interview at IPR. The interviews shall be conducted during 27th May – 31st May 2019. Candidates selected for interview will
be paid to-and-fro sleeper class railway fare via the shortest route on production of valid tickets. Interested candidates may apply by filling up the form online only (please refer
http://www.ipr.res.in/documents/jobs_career.html for details). Stipend & Facilities Selected students will be enrolled under Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), a
deemed-to-be university of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt. of India. A consolidated stipend of
Rs. 31,000/- per month shall be paid as JRF during first two years. The stipend will be raised to Rs.
35,000/- per month as SRF, subject to satisfactory academic review. In addition, a book grant of Rs.
32,000/- per year shall be paid. Partial support for attending international conferences may be given to the
students during their PhD tenure as per IPR rules. The students are also eligible to get House Rent
Allowance (HRA) as per IPR rules if they are not provided accommodation by IPR in hostel. The students
will get medical facility as per IPR rules. HOW TO APPLY
Applications can be submitted online only from 7th April to 20th April 2019.
Hard copy along with the Application ID obtained while filling online application from
http://www.ipr.res.in/documents/jobs_career.html with one recent passport size photograph duly affixed on
the right hand top corner of the application along with copies of testimonials in support of Age,
Qualification, caste, etc. should reach the, Institute for Plasma Research at the above address on or before
27/04/2019. Hard copy should be sent strictly by Registered post/Speed Post. The envelope should be
strictly superscribed with Advt. No. and Post Applied for. Applicants are advised to send the hardcopy by Registered or Speed post services and to preserve the
receipt for future reference. For further details visit our website www.ipr.res.in
N.B. –
Only those candidates who already have qualifying degree after 1st August 2017 or are going to
receive their final results by 1st August 2019 need to apply.
Applicants working in Central/ State Government Units/ PSUs/ Aided Institutions may apply with
due permission from their respective competent authorities. Such candidates if called for screening
test are required to submit No Objection Certificate at the time of test. Disclaimer –
Fulfilling minimum qualification & filing online applications does not entail a call for interview. The
applications received in response to the advertisement shall be scrutinized and only eligible candidates
shortlisted from valid applicants, on the basis of all criteria like Age, Educational Qualifications,
Percentage, etc. shall be called for interview. The authorities reserve all rights, not to call an applicant for
interview, without assigning any reason. In case of any issue in filing online application, kindly contact –
IPR strives to have a workforce that reflects gender balance and women candidates are especially
encouraged to apply.
Important Dates to Remember:
Opening Date for Online Application: 07.04.2019 (Time: 10:00 AM)