Cambridge International Scholarship 2019-20
Cambridge International Scholarship
Cambridge International Scholarships are provided to high ranked students who wish to start their PhDs in 2020-21. They must apply by either the 3 December 2019 or 7 January 2020 , whichever deadline is appropriate for your course. Please see the Graduate Admissions webpage ‘Application & Funding Deadlines’.
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All students, irrespective of nationality, are eligible to be considered for funding by the Trust.
Please apply by the relevant deadline set for entry to your particular course and complete the ‘Funding’ section in the online Applicant Portal in order to be considered for funding.
There will be no differential of deadlines for application between UK or EU or International graduate applicants.
All applicants should complete the funding section of the online application form via the Applicant Portal expressing their ‘wish to be considered for funding’.
A University Committee draws up one ranked list of all PhD candidates across all disciplines. The only factors taken into consideration in agreeing this list are academic qualifications, references and research potential. The financial situation of applicants does not affect the selection of scholarship winners.
Successful applicants are informed at the earliest opportunity and the Trust will announce the winners of the Cambridge International Scholarships for 2020-21, and the winners of the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for that year, in early March 2020.
In order to maximise the number of Scholarships awarded, the Trust will, when appropriate, promote winners of Vice-Chancellor’s Awards and Cambridge International Scholarships to other full-cost awards with UK Research Councils, or partner organisations, or Departments or Colleges, who are willing to provide either the full amount or part of the cost of the scholarship. Where part of the cost of a scholarship is offered, the Trust will meet the balance.
If a student receives a full-cost scholarship from any source (excluding Gates Cambridge), the offer of an award from the Trust will lapse and you will be offered the status of ‘Honorary Trust Scholar’. This entitles you to attend the Trust’s events but bears no monetary value. If you have accepted a Gates Cambridge Scholarship, any offer of an award from the Trust, including those offered with an Honorary status, will immediately lapse.
The scholarships are awarded early in the academic year. You will be informed in March 2020 if you are have been successful in gaining a scholarship, following meetings of the Selection Committee.
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